My Story…
My Journey
Where to begin.... Around age 13, I developed Cluster Headaches. Much like the thousands of others who face this diagnosis, I went un-diagnosed for years with Cluster Headaches (CH to make it easier). I was told to limit screen time; it's JUST a migraine; it's not that bad; why are you pounding your head? Ten years of pounding 4-6 500m Tylenol and other headache relief methods, yet feeling no relief for 6-8 weeks at a time. Couple that with being plagued by a deep depression each cycle that affected everything from work/school/relationships & health. (As if balancing all 4 in college was hard enough).
The pain of the actual headache is one thing that most CH sufferers learn to cope with in their own way, as the alternative is a much darker solution... For these 10 years, the solution for me was to lock myself into a room, pop some pills, throw on an eye mask, and prepare for 30 mins - 3 hours of all-out war, pain & exhaustion. This would often include throwing up, crying, screaming, and pounding my head or other self-harm to try and not think about the pain I was in. It's tough to keep track of time to know when it might be over in times like this, and I would often lash out at roommates and friends who would try to help (Apologies if any of you are reading this right now). To provide some perspective, the feeling is what I would think a stroke might feel like: full body clenching, helplessness, extreme pain on one side of my face coupled with your mind making you think that this might be your last moment on earth.
Education for those that don't know - there are two types of sufferers from CH. 1. Episodic (What I strangely feel fortunate to have over the alternative), meaning usually 2 cycles a year mirroring the spring and fall equinoxes and generally lasting from 6-8 weeks at a time. 2. Chronic (The far more evil version of CH) Sufferers who unfortunately have no scheduled relief. This is the main reason I am doing this run: to find a solution for these absolute warriors who live with this condition every day and desperately need a solution.
Angels On Earth
I would credit three separate people with helping me start the path to CH management. The first was my Dad (Jim VanDercook), who never gave up trying to find me the help I needed and set the appointment with Dr. Heather McCoy.
I still remember my second angel, Heather McCoy, the first time I walked into her office; it was unlike any other medical office I had been in before. She had therapy rooms designated for headache sufferers, soothing spa-like music, and an extremely welcoming team. I knew I had found the right place. She sat back and listened to my concerns and pain (as many doctors had before her) and, within 8 minutes, gave me the diagnosis I had been searching for. She broke down the symptoms of CH, and like a lightbulb going off, I suddenly knew what I had. She walked me through the initial treatment plan and even gave me samples of the medicine I was going to try. I was in shock; within 30 minutes, someone had solved what had taken me over a decade to figure out, and I finally had a plan. Injections, High Flow Oxygen, and a list of possible triggers. This all seemed very scary, but I finally knew and could explain what I felt was real.
My third angel goes without saying, my amazing wife, Emilee VanDercook. As I had mentioned earlier, CH had ruined balances in my life before and had consequences on my relationships as well. My girlfriend (at the time, now wife) had watched me go through a cycle and, instead of being afraid or telling me it's not that big of a deal, did quite the opposite. She helped me stay on track with my process, helped me stay organized with meds and up to date with treatments, and even took me to the hospital a time or two for nerve-blocking treatments. She has stayed constantly motivated to keep up this fight and not let it win. Now, as every CH sufferer knows, this can be very challenging in relationships as I am hell to deal with when I am in a cycle and feel another CH coming on. I can be short with her, even downright rude, but I never mean any of it. My brain is feeling a hurricane of bad emotion and pain all at once, and it makes being the husband that I strive to be very hard during these times. It is a crazy feeling as I am a pretty social guy, but when the CH strikes, I am an entirely different person; I seek isolation, pure darkness, and my meds. This is the only thing that will help, and it is a highly emasculating feeling, but my excellent Emilee, my best friend, never makes me feel like this when I am suffering.
Where am I at now?
Let me start by saying there is no known cure for Cluster Headaches. There are extreme pain management solutions like deep brain stimulation, intranasal nerve blocks, high-flow oxygen, and my personal favorite, injectable triptans. I have tried preventive methods like Verapamil and extreme doses of Melatonin but have since changed course as I fear the long-term results of these treatments. Those of you who know me know that I keep myself in good physical and mental shape. I enjoy adventures, challenges, my work and time with my friends and family. Overall, I am a really healthy guy who happens to be burdened with this ONE big thing. If this is coming as a surprise to any of you close to me that are reading this it's because I try not to give it the power of controlling my life. I manage this like I do anything else through careful planning, diligent action, and determination.
I am partaking in this 5K to raise awareness for everyone else suffering alongside me or anyone who was like me at age 13 (or parents of a kid who complains about something similar). I am also doing this for the Chronic suffers out there in the world. You all that are still with us are genuinely inspirational. Having read my fair share of stories on, I know there is a silent group of us that needs to be louder.
Thank you all for reading a little bit about my journey thus far. I look forward to being a part of this change and encourage any of you who would like to join me in this 5K please reach out to me directly (or sponsor this cause). Even $1 towards this cause will mean a lot to me, and I thank you again!
For anyone seeking a bit further info, click here to watch this video! (
Recent donors
Donation date | Donor name | Donation amount |
Mar 04 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 03 | Anonymous | $536.22 |
Mar 03 | Zack | $27.69 |
Mar 02 | Anonymous | $54.45 |
Mar 02 | Tyler Waller | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 02 | The other Charles VanDercook | $268.57 |
Mar 02 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 02 | Avalon VanDercook | Undisclosed amount |
Mar 02 | Ben Dover | $107.98 |
Feb 15 | Jim & Christine VanDercook | $268.57 |